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Past Events

Annual Scholarship and Recognition Awards 


At the Annual Scholarship Awards, we honour High School Students from the Brampton area who have achieved academic excellence as well as contributed to the local community! If you wish to apply for the scholarship, please download the application form



Celebrity Men Who Cook


Each year we gather a talented group of Men to come and show us what its feels and taste like to have Men cook! They share with us their favourite dishes and delicacies. The winner is awarded a prize! The food is excellent, the entertainment is fabulous and the experience is unforgettable! 


Black History Month Concert


In collaboration with the Congress of Black Women, we annually honour both past and present contributors of the Black Community. We feel it's paramount our children know their history which is too often not discussed below the superficial recognition of Black History Month by the school system. 


The event is fun, educational, interactive and inspiring! 



Golf Tournament 


This annual tournament has proven to be a very important fundraiser for the UAC’s Scholarship Program and other educational initiatives of the Club and is a wonderful opportunity to squeeze in some exercise as well as engage with our local community!






Jamaica's 55th Independence Day Flag Raising Ceremony

On August  4, 2017 the UAC and members of the Peel community celebrated Jamaica's 55th Independence Day with Aliecia R. Taylor, Consul of the Consulate General of Jamaica alongside local groups such as the Congress of Black Women & City Counselors

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